Monthly Payments Plans

There are various payment plans, generally they are outlined in the contracts for services that can be found on our website at or by request through the mail. This is with one exception, there is an optional payment method for the SPC process as it can be broken into 2 parts if you would…

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Can you send me Legal Mail?

We cannot post documents to you as legal mail, but if you have access to someone that is willing to send them as such we would gladly provide them to them for shipment at your discretion.

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Can you obtain my Birth Certificate or Social Security Card for me?

We do not offer either of these services nor can we as it may be seen as a conflict of interest. This is something that either you or your power of attorney need to accomplish. We can offer suggestions though. You do not need the Social Security Card itself, it is unnecessary. To obtain the…

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Can you help me with Discharge Processes/ Discharge of Debt?

We do apologize but this question directly relates to the discharge of debt, or processes that fall thereunder. By internal policy due to heightened risk of liability we do not get involved in the discharge processes. If you would like more information for self-help or self-study purposes we would suggest you get a membership to…

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What is CAFV?

CAFV short for Conditional Acceptance for Value is a ‘private letter process’, your basic Private Administrative Process to resolve a matter or to get agreement from your other party to, let’s say, to agree to the discharge of debt, or that you are not subject to the statute, etc. It is part and parcel of…

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What are the benefits of Sovereignty?

Sovereignty, although given a bad name by the media is not only your birthright, but also the basis that Americas freedoms were founded on. Sovereignty is full freedom to make the choice to act or not to act without outside influence. It is true freedom to do as you wish as long as you do…

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What is a Sovereign?

A Sovereign is fully free, and unbound. A Sovereign has taken the large step to live without the government, this includes not using benefits, a social security number and revoking all contracts that were in place between them and government. For more on living a sovereign life we suggest the book Operating Sovereign. Many do…

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How long does it take to complete the SPC process?

Generally for the “Filing Included” or the “Filing, Printing & Digital Signatures Included” packages it takes between 6 and 12 weeks to complete from beginning to end. Please understand that this is if you have processed and sent us everything promptly through the process. It very well can take longer if you are not proactive…

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