Can you be my General Power of Attorney / How can I accomplish the processes?

We cannot be your general power of attorney. Although with a package that includes Digital Signatures printing and notarizing your documentation it is still possible to complete easily by your Power Of Attorney (POA) on your end.

If you do not have direct access to everything that you need for filing or are facing hurdles that would restrict your ability to print and notarize documentation we suggest you either get a package that includes printing and Digital Signatures as it also covers printing. The processes can be completed from about anywhere or by anyone even if they do not have to ability to access everything directly by appointing a POA and using a package that includes Digital Signatures.

If you are not able to coordinate with us directly you will need a friend or family member that can act as your general or durable power of attorney in your stead. Please make sure that the appointee is willing to follow through on your behalf to coordination with us.

A general POA for this purpose can be found for Free and printed from our website at: or requested specifically by mail.


  1. Sonya Jackson on May 19, 2021 at 3:37 pm

    Can I start the Establish your Sovereignty package while my SPC documents are in process?

    • Sovereign Filing Solutions on May 19, 2021 at 6:58 pm

      No you must have the SPC process in place to file the Sovereignty Process. There are requirements in the package that are not met and also a public record established that lets you build upon it created in the SPC process that would otherwise be missing.

  2. jamesdieterle82 on November 27, 2023 at 5:41 pm

    Can I file my SPC without the use or a second trustee?

    • admin on December 15, 2023 at 8:52 pm

      No. A second trustee is needed to complete the setup properly as you can not otherwise make an agreement with yourself. The second trustee is NOT public, they are private and are not filed on documents that are served for notice to the locations. You can also have them resign after your filing is complete. Or simply not give them banking privilege’s as their powers are already limited in nature. You can also use a setup like a Nominee as listed in Book 4 “Operating Invisible” of The Redemption Manual 6.0 Series. The series is required reading for foundational comprehension on your path to success.

      You can find the Series on our Study Materials section on Make Freedom here:

      Some quick tips when reading the series as there is a lot of information to cover is not to get bogged down in any one section. Read all the way through the series in the main embodiment (Books 1-4) taking note of the sections and major points so you comprehend how everything fits together and can later reference sections as necessary. This will create the strongest foundation in the least amount of time creating a bell curve in your ability to learn, while leaving you with the ability to come back and use the information as necessary.

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