Names and their Uses. How should I fill out my form. How should my name appear?
In regards to the Secured Party / Creditors Name: The name in Original Appellation included given name and family name. There was no middle name, it did not exist. I would argue except by usage in institutions, and by government, it still does not exist… But instead of argue semantics why not simply clarify. Example…
Read MoreBirth Certificate Number
Definition of: Birth Certificate Number, State File Number or Birth Number, (Hereinafter BCN) Most certificates issued at a state level have an 11-digit number written in the pattern XXX-XX-XXXXXX appears on nearly all birth certificates issued by U.S. States. The formula for the birth certificate number is: a three-digit area code. a two-digit (sometimes digit…
Read MoreHow do I get the quickest response?
The quickest way to get a response or in contact with someone is to Call sales at ext 2 via (989)833-0077 or directly at (707)797-7971 and you will almost always get a call back same day. Please try to be available for a return call as you will most likely need to leave a message.…
Read MoreWhat is the Foreclosure Remedy Process?
The Foreclosure Remedy is a process that helps give you the evidence you need to push for a full discharge of the mortgage based on fraudulent lending practices and securitization. This will establishing your standing with the alleged Commercial Bankers and distinguish their liability to you. This process is meant to help create the documentation…
Read MoreDo you answer questions or fufill requests?
If you have questions or requests submit no more than 5 by e-mail. Also make sure that they are well formatted numbered and concise The shorter the letter and questions while still portraying accurately what you need the easier they are to understand the quicker they get responses. Letters that follow these rules always get…
Read MoreWhat are the bennefits of a UBOT?
Easy Business Creation for the benefit of your children, and so much more. Let’s all be honest, in the end were all working for children anyway so that we can give them the best possible life that they can have. By placing property and assets in the trust you’re able to build wealth throughout your…
Read MoreWhat is the UBOT & How does the UBOT work?
UBOT stands for Unincorporated Business Organization Trust. In short the UBOT is an irrevocable trust administered by trustees for the benefit of beneficiaries named therein. The Package can be located here: http://makefreedom.com/services-products/unincorporated-business-organization-trust/ The Form can be located here: Unincorporated Business Organization Trust Form This is the form for the UBOT. If you need help with…
Read MoreWhat is expected/required of me if I am accepted in the RFR Program?
We are able to help in many ways such as in the creation of documentation to help in support of your claims, but in the end we cannot be you. By this we mean that you cannot learn the material or get this knowledge through osmosis because a person you know knows the material. We…
Read MoreWhat do you need from me to begin the RFR Program?
The first step is to have a review done. This is absolutely Free. After review you will have much more information in regards to your specific situation such as all costs involved, timeline, and percentage of possible success. If you would like to have your case reviewed please submit documentation to the tort division for review.…
Read MoreWhat is Remedy For Release and how does it work?
Remedy for Release (RFR) is a multi step program that helps to create the foundation by first by establishing the Secured Party Creditor Process, then goes on to establish the facts using Conditional Acceptance for Value, and finially goes after wrongs committed against a man/woman using tort. Some may have heard of the process referred…
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