In regards to the Secured Party / Creditors Name:
The name in Original Appellation included given name and family name. There was no middle name, it did not exist. I would argue except by usage in institutions, and by government, it still does not exist... But instead of argue semantics why not simply clarify.
Example 1
Lets take for example at the name John-Alex: Doe
The given name is everything before the colon. In this example John-Alex
The family name is everything after the colon. In this example Doe
The colon itself representing "of the family"
If we put this all together in written format it would be exactly as our example John-Alex: Doe
If we were to verbalize this it would be spoken as "John Alex of the family Doe"
Example 2
Lets look at a second example where no middle name is in use: John: Doe
The given name is John
The Family name is Doe
Written it would be John: Doe
Verbalized it would be "John of the family Doe"
Example 3
One more example to clarify fully. Many Latin American clients carry both last names in accordance with custom.
So in this example the name would be John: Doe-Sanchez
Making the given name John
The family name Doe-Sanchez
Thus written it would be John: Doe-Sanchez
Verbalized it would be "John of the family
Your Preference for Usage
As a secured party you have the option to use the given name as you choose. With or without both or all given makes simply by how you place the : in the name. John-Alex: Doe could still very well use John: Doe to represent his name as flesh and blood if so chose. Or even J.A.: Doe
A change of name is optional
The SPC name is meant to appear as you want to use it.
If you really want to create a distinction between Debtor and Secured Party, and have ever wanted to change your name, there has never been a better opportunity than when filing your SPC process. We say this with a Caveat... Major name changes will require a court order to use publicly and make your life more difficult!
This is why we would suggest avoiding major name changes such as last name changes, or changes that would entirely change the context that would not be supported by ID that you already have as such a change would likely require additional work doing a legal name change.
Lets look at an example using the name "Could-Be: Anyone" You could use C: Anyone, CB: Anyone, Be: Anyone, Could: Anyone, B: Anyone, Be: Anyone, or even include a religious suffix such as Bey, Dey, El etc... C.B.: Anyone-Bey, Be: Anyone-Dey.
As El, Dey, Pastor ect... are religious prefixes/suffixes they can be used by choice. They should not require a name change.
In regards to the DEBTORS Name:
The DEBTORS Name MUST match the birth certificate, naturalization, or certificate of birth abroad! Whichever you are using.
This is not optional and will cause issues if in filing your documents you do not do so.
If you are maried and you use a different last name currently, it doesn't matter in relation to the DEBTOR's name. Use the married name as the Secured Parties name NOT the DEBTORS Name!
If the DEBTORS name on the certificate includes JR include it for the debtors name even if you don't use it in use.
Again, The DEBTORS Name MUST MATCH match the birth certificate, naturalization, or certificate of birth abroad!
Illustration of how the relationship works between DEBTOR and Secured Party in this context:
You are the flesh and blood man or woman.
You are not the DEBTOR.
The Vessel (the Trust) is the DEBTOR and you manage the entity. You must comprehend these concepts it is important to do so to comprehend how to contract properly.
Specifically the use of the tools in the process, qualified signatures and limitation of liability.
The water in this scenario
is the public.
The parable of this lesson is...
Do not put your flesh and blood body
in the water with sharks...
For all of the specifics read the Redemption Manual Series.
If you have not read the Redemption Manual series it is of essential importance to do so! These study guides are your foundational comprehension of the process that everything else is built upon. You must comprehend what you are doing to utilize the tools to the fullest extent of their ability.
Some quick tips when reading the series as there is a lot of information to cover is not to get bogged down in any one section. Read all the way through the series in the main embodiment (Books 1-4) taking note of the sections and major points so you comprehend how everything fits together and can later reference sections as necessary. This will create the strongest foundation in the least amount of time creating a bell curve in your ability to learn, while leaving you with the ability to come back and use the information as necessary.