Accepted For Value & Honor Exempt From Levy Stamp

(11 customer reviews)


40 in stock

SKU: AFV-Long-Stamp Category: Tags: , ,


This stamp can be used on the original Secured Party Creditor filing, as well as various other presentments.

Stamp reads: "Accepted For Value & Honor Exempt From Levy
For my Remedy, Release of the Proceeds, Products,
Accounts, AND fixtures in the Order(s) to Me
Immediately in the Accordance with the Public Policy,
Chap. 48, 48 Stat. 112, UCC 10-104 and UCC 1-104"

Color: Blue

Type: Self Inking

Size: 1-1/2" x 3"

• Lasts up to 10,000 impressions before you need to reink
• Good quality stamp impression
• Refillable
• Not recommended for glossy surfaces

This stamp does NOT come in red. This stamp is not supposed to be used in red. Orders for this stamp will only be fulfilled in Blue. Requests for stamps in red will be shipped in the color they come in, and are supposed to be used in, which is Blue. Refunds will not be offered based on the color of the stamp as the stamp is meant to come and be used in Blue.

If you want the stamp in red then you should take careful consideration in regards to where your getting your information.

Additional information

Weight.35 lbs
Dimensions4.625 × 4.125 × 2.25 in

11 reviews for Accepted For Value & Honor Exempt From Levy Stamp

  1. Justin D. Gordon

    I’m a 27 year old young man who is seeking knowledge. Right now nothing is more important than wisdom. I was born October 9th 1986. I have a heart to help others and a passion to find myself and true freedom. Your help will not be received in vain and that’s a promise I can keep. Thank you in advance. And all praise belong to The God.

    • Sales

      It is our pleasure to help one like yourself, with not only dedication, but also faith and the drive to see a better world for all. Keep on the path, and if there is anything we can help with, or you have any outreach projects in the future please feel free to let us know.

  2. Randall Jackson (verified owner)

    I like the product

  3. Freek

    Hi love your product, could this work in the Netherlands as well?

    • Sales

      Possibly, but but it would require more in-depth research.

  4. jose navarro

    Is the stamp accepted for value is for mortgage too please let me know
    Thank you

    • Sovereign Filings

      No, not particularly. For mortgage information please join the Sovereign Connection and look under “Content/Debt Relief/Foreclosure Fraud Relief”

  5. jose navarro

    I like all the videos and all the information
    That comes with it
    Thank you and keep it up

  6. george gard

    Hi Guys,
    I have seen on other sites where it is recommended that red ink be used with this stamp. If this it true please elaborate on the use of the blue ink offered.
    Thank you so much.

    • Sovereign Filings

      The color of ink is mostly important as you want it to clearly stand out against the face of the document. As well if you request a color other than standard it will take longer in ordering but we will still oblige your request.

  7. Steve

    Ive been looking for this product for a long time

    • Sovereign Filings

      Were happy we could help. 🙂

  8. youngthirties

    Great product. It saved me time and energy looking or a product like this and this website made it easy for me.

    • Sovereign Filings

      Glad we could help! 🙂

  9. mr_goss

    I want too ORDER AFV IN RED INK stamp US, TELL ME HOW TO CHANGE COLOR IN ORDERING, can NOT rate until I see product

    • Sovereign Filings

      In your notes on checkout simply let us know the color you want it in and we will make it happen.

  10. william watley

    Hello, I also recently ordered the stamp and also attached a note at the checkout specifically requesting RED ink as previously advised and, although sent promptly, was delivered in BLUE ink… The color of the ink is very important! Please advise me on how to correct and get the stamp in RED ink. Thank you!

    • Sovereign Filings

      Simply email with this information and they will fix the issue promptly. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  11. tom8922002 (verified owner)

    I’m so glad I found you guys right now I’m dealing with my state recorder and waiting for my papers but I want to ask. Why they saying the AFV in red?

    • Sovereign Filing Solutions

      AFV should be in blue. We produce the stamps in the color they should be so that you have the easiest time with use.

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