Receivership Puerto Rico

(2 customer reviews)


SKU: PuertoRico-Receivership Category:


  • Are you looking for a foreign receivership or the use of a foreign address but don’t want to have to go in in person to check the mail yourself?
  • Are you looking for mail of the future, that you can receive anywhere while you travel or while still sitting at your desk?
  • Do you want to be able to start or run a business from a location but not have to physically be there?
  • Do you want to process a document set and use a foreign address to do so?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then the Sovereign Post Is right for you! The diagram below show how it works:


This gives you the ability to check your mail anywhere in the world with complete privacy!!

Options Chart

Duration of Services

6 Mo

12 Mo

24 Mo

Pieces Received Per























Please note that if you do not have an e-mail address it is not an issue as you will be provided an e-mail on a secure server, and the name that is used to receive the mail in will also correlate to the e-mail address. You can check your e-mail by clicking on the "Check Mail" link at the top of this site with your to be assigned username and password. Furthermore, although we can guarantee your privacy on the server itself, if you choose to correspond outside of the server such as sending e-mail to a yahoo, google or another service provider we cannot guarantee that those e-mails will not be read or intercepted.

Additional information

Length of Service

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Amount of Mail

, , ,

2 reviews for Receivership Puerto Rico

  1. Johnzellmartin

    Will i receive an address for example to use on identification

    • Sovereign Filings

      Yes that is the point of a PR receivership to have the address to use for receipt of correspondence and on ids and such if necessary.

  2. jordant4life

    Can I request for original documents to be forwarded to me?

    • Sovereign Filing Solutions

      I think it is possible, but it would certainly be expensive.

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