Additional Instructions You May Find Useful

If you are interested in opening a bank account
and applying for an EIN instructions can be found here:

Legal Notice & Demand Instructions Location Choices

Click on the state your UCC is filed in.

If you have not read the Redemption Manual series it is of essential importance to do so! These study guides are your foundational understanding of the process that everything else is built upon and you must understand what you are doing to utilize the tools to the fullest extent of their ability. You can find the best deals on the series in a package deal here:

If you have already read the entirety of the Redemption Manual series you can find advanced study material on the Sovereign Connection here:

Specific Resources You Might Be Interested In

Beginning information for learning discharge of debt can be located at:

You can find Wealth Creation Tools (Issuing Bonds) at:

The Jurisdiction Seminars can be found here:

Foreclosure Fraud Relief information can be found here:

Right to Travel information can be found here:

Additional resources you may find useful:

Specific Resources You Might Be Interested In

For anything in relation to taxes or tax related this is the absolute best resource available:

SEDM Form Index.
These forms are free but may require free membership with SEDM and compliance to be able to use.

If you would like to function without a driver license, (right to travel) the following resources may prove helpful.

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U.S. Person Position

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Reasonable Belief About Income Tax Liability

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Tax Fraud Prevention Manual

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Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Manual (3 Books)

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The “Trade or Business” Scam

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Defending Your Right to Travel & Unlicensed Practice of Law (2 Books)

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Unlicensed Practice of Law

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Defending Your Right to Travel

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Silence as a Weapon and Defense in Legal Discovery

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Why the Government Can’t Assess Human Beings With and Income Tax Liability Without Their Consent

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Why Penalties are Illegal for Anything But Government Franchisees, Employees, Contractors, and Agents

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Requirement for Due Process of Law

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The Government “Benefits” Scam

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Income Taxation of Real Estate Sales

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Federal Enforcement Authority Within States of the Union

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Legal Requirement to File Income Tax Returns

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The Tax Court Scam

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Government Establishment of Religion & Who are “Taxpayers” and Who Needs a “Taxpayer Identification Number” (2 Book Set)

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Requirement for Reasonable Notice & Who were the Pharisees and the Saducees (2 Book Set)

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Political Jurisdiction & What is “Law”? (2 Book Set)

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What is Justice? & Origins and Authority of the Internal Revenue Service (2 Book Set)

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Socialism: The New American Civil Religion

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Flawed Tax Arguments to Avoid

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About SSNs and TINs on Government Forms and Correspondence

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